Doing this series is incredibly rewarding, just not so much in the money sense. You can probably already see where I am going with this...
Jim Lauderdale is featured in our next podcast. He is pictured here playing at Pisgah Brewing Company in Black Mountain, NC for Jam In The Trees on 8-26-17.
There was a time early this year, before I got this series on the Osiris podcast network and Bluegrass Planet Radio, that I started to believe that I should hang it up, but for the fact that I had Rob, Mitch and Mark supporting me through Patreon. The tip jar was low, but it wasn’t empty, and I resolved to keep going because somebody acknowledged that my series was worth something. It’s the same with everything in art -- you can live for a while on compliments, like Mark Twain said, but eventually you need to get paid, even if it’s not a whole lot. So please consider supporting Southern Songs and Stories and join us as a patron to keep this series going. - Joe Kendrick